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Ten Surprising Culprits that may be Worsening your IBS

IBS is a complex condition to say the least. With the abundance of conflicting information out there on the internet compounded with uncertainty provided from medical professionals, it’s no wonder that IBS sufferers are left feeling helpless, confused and desperate to try anything. 

As an IBS dietitian who has supported hundreds of clients to alleviate their symptoms and pinpoint their triggers, I’m about to shed light on some of the most common mistakes you could be making that are actually worsening your IBS. 

1. You’ve been on the low FODMAP diet for more than 6-8 weeks

The low FODMAP diet is designed to be a short term diet. Many FODMAPs are what we call “pre-biotics”. These are essentially food for our healthy gut bacteria. So, by cutting these foods out, this starves the healthy gut bacteria, compromising long-term gut health.

2. You’re taking gut health supplements.

Don’t get me wrong, there are supplements out there that can benefit our gut. However, the majority of supplements out there often have no evidence to support any benefit, or in some cases even worsen IBS symptoms. Watch out for ingredients like chicory, inulin or plant fibers.

3. You’re skipping meals

I often see people fall into a trap of skipping meals out of fear of what to eat. Our gut loves regularity and operates best when we eat regular meals. Long gaps between meals can cause a build up of gas in the gut. Furthermore, out of hunger, we tend to then eat larger meals which increases FODMAP load causing bloating and pain.

4. You’re overloading your gut with too many fruits and vegetables

I hear what you’re saying… “but fruits and vegetables are healthy!” and you’re not wrong, but they are also full of FODMAPs which could be worsening your symptoms. I’ve also seen many people eat so many fruits, vegetables and “green” juices that they end up missing out on other important food groups like proteins, wholegrains and healthy fats which only leaves them feeling exhausted.

5. You’re mindlessly eating

Are you someone who eats at your desk whilst working, or eats in the car on the way to work? When we eat whilst distracted and on the go, our gut is not ready for digestion. The first phase of digestion actually happens before we put food into our mouth. It happens when we start to anticipate eating. By seeing and  smelling our food, this produces saliva, increases stomach acid and stimulates the release of digestive enzymes. All of which are essential for optimal digestion.

6. You’re not chewing thoroughly enough

When we eat quickly and gulp down our food, we often swallow more air which contributes to bloating. We also have digestive enzymes in our saliva, so we need to chew thoroughly for the food to mix with these enzymes for better digestion. 

7. You’re drinking sugar free drinks

Many artificial sweeteners contain FODMAPs such as sorbitol and mannitol which can aggravate gut symptoms. 

8. You’re wasting your time trying to get a diagnosis

Firstly, I always recommend that everyone’s first port of call with gut issues is their GP. However, if you find yourself going round in circles, not getting any answers and your tests are all coming back normal, then it’s time to stop and see a dietitian. Unfortunately, there are no tests we can do to diagnose IBS and fixating on diagnosis only perpetuates stress and anxiety

9. You’re not getting enough zzz

Poor sleep is a key player in IBS. A proper nights’ sleep promotes optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients, supporting a healthy gut.

10. You’re over exercising

Ever heard of a runner’s gut? If you’re someone who often turns to high intensity exercise, consider incorporating more gentle movement into your exercise routine to calm your gut. 


If you’d like more support with navigating your IBS, alleviating your gut symptoms and pinpointing your triggers, get in touch with our IBS dietitian today for a FREE 15 minute phone call. 

Published: 23rd Feb 2024

Author: Bianca Berton-Scarlet, Monash FODMAP trained Dietitian

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